About Us

Expanding Rural Education in Togo

Every Child Educated is a US-based registered non-profit organization. We believe that all children deserve the basic right to literacy and primary education. By facilitating the expansion of schools and learning facilities and improving the quality of rural education in Togo, we aim to gradually eradicate poverty.

The Greatest Area Of Opportunity

In the United States, we hear more about the potential for secondary education for increasing lifelong health, wellness, and earning potential. In developing nations, primary education is often the greatest area of opportunity.

Positive strides are being made in Togo, as literacy rates are up from 64% in adults to 84% in 15 to 25-year-olds. This is a move in the right direction, but there is a long way to go.

Kids Belong In School

Approximately 70% of families in rural Togo live on less than $1.25 per day. This leads many parents to make the heartbreaking choice of taking their children out of school to seek employment. It’s a sheer matter of putting food on the table. Many families can’t afford the expense of school uniforms, school supplies, meals, transportation, and basic healthcare. 

Why Togo

Togo is number 40 on the UN’s Least Developed Country (LCD) list and 1 of 44 countries on the Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries (LIFDCs) list. These lists grow smaller as nations excel.

Statistics show that expanding rural education in Togo is the fastest way to activate the positive ripple effect required to eradicate poverty.  

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